Differences in Angular and React
2 min readNov 1, 2021
Differences Highlighted.
- React is a library so we will have to explicitly inject more libraries for our use case.
- React uses JSX ( JavaScript + XML )
- One directional data binding
- Doesn’t use Dependency Injection. React has a global state for all components.
- React uses Virtual DOM for performance improvement
- Follows just the V part of MVC, as HTML and JS are in a single file.
- React is a library so you can integrate it with any project even if it is written it Angular
- Backward compatibility and migrating to higher versions is easier (People may argue on this points so have a clear answer on ‘Why?’)
- Developed by Facebook
- Easier to learn for new developers. Although JSX could be something new to digest
- Additional effort to start development, as we need to take care of including libraries for our use cases.
- Testing may turn out to be quite challenging with React as it lacks the ready-made solutions that are available in Angular.
- React with a global state management library like redux makes code more clear, manageable and efficient. However for developers Redux can be daunting.
- Angular is a complete framework i.e. you would not need third party libraries .
- Uses TypeScript
- 2-way data binding
- Uses Dependency Injection
- Uses Incremental DOM not virtual DOM
- Follows MVC architecture
- Backward Compatibility and migrating to higher versions is a real painful task.
- Developed by Google
- Angular can be difficult to start with as a developer who is learning ; because frameworks are difficult to understand at the beginning.
- Getting started with development is easier because everything(eg all libraries) is available in a framework.
- Testing is much easier once we have hold on the framework
A very short article highlighting the difference between two giants in frontend development. Check this for more information on React.
Happy learning! Cheers.