SpringBoot Interview questions.
1. Know differences between Spring and SpringBoot
2. Know differences between SpringBoot1.x and Springboot2.x
3. What is AutoConfiguration, sprintboot starters, actutators, dev-tools in boot ?
4. Learn spring security
5. Learn about Deployment Descriptor and web.xml file
6. Possible sources of external configuration in boot
7. Embedded servers and how to change server port
8. Know these annotations : @RequestMapping, @RestController, @SpringBootApplication, @ComponenScan, @EnableAutoConfiguration, @Configuration, @Component, @Bean, @Service, @Repository
9. How to disable AutoConfguration for a specific class ?
10. How is Hibernate chosen as a default implementation of JPA without any manual configuration?
11. Why do need profile in springboot ?
12. How to set active profiles in boot ?
13. How to use Jetty as the server instead of Tomcat in boot ?
14. How to implement JWT authentication for springboot application ?
15. How to implement Security in springboot ?
16. How to implement pagination and sorting in springboot ?
17. How to implement exception handling in springboot ?
18. How to implement interceptors in springboot ?
19. What is AOP ? How to use it with boot ?
20. What is Swaggger and how to implement it in boot ?
21. What is SpringBatch ? How do you implement it in springboot ?
22. Know Spring Cloud components like hestirx, netflix-eureka, ribbon, sleuth
23. What is flyway and have you used it in springboot ?
24. What is JWT token ?